Week 2: Creative Practice Blog #1

Brain Doodles

By Camille Lazarus 

Creative Practice Blog #1

September 4, 2022

    For my creative practice this semester I will be drawing. I chose the medium colored pencils because I am not too confident in my artistic abilities and I feel as though colored pencils are more forgiving. I will be exploring the theme of "growth" throughout my work. Instead of open-end drawing every week, I have decided to draw various flower groups or nature settings to depict scenes of growth. Over the past year, I have made it my personal goal to actively perform acts of self-care to grow as a person mentally and physically. As a child, I really enjoyed expressing myself creatively through art but as I grew older it became something that brought me more anxiety than joy due to overthinking and self-doubting. Through this course, I hope to completely change that. I hope that through practice and repetition of my creative practice, I will restore my love for creating artwork and drawing. I hope to also grow as an artist through my practice. I have set guidelines for myself when it comes to my drawing time. I will give myself at least thirty minutes of undisrupted drawing time where I set aside all technology and distractions to allow my mind to wander and create a safe space for creativity. I really look forward to growing as a person through this journey, as well as an artist.
