
Showing posts from September, 2022

Week 5: Creative Practice Blog #4

  Brain Doodles By Camille Lazarus  Creative Practice Blog #4                 Let me paint this scene for you all, this beautiful palm tree, beach scene is a little slice of heaven at Indian Harbor Beach. Today I engaged in my creative practice from the beach! I sat on the beach with my sketch pad and had a peaceful moment to myself. I woke up early to take a walk on the beach and at the end, I sat and engaged in my creative practice. But before that, I sat and turned my phone on silent and just took in nature. As I took in the sea air, I watched the waves crashing on the shore and the birds flying above and it made me really reflect on how lucky I am. I have found that e ngaging in my creative practice really causes me to become reflective of my life. It allows me to take much-needed brain breaks as well. I have found that when I get into a nice groove of shading and coloring, I can really disconnect and focus on the scene I am try...

Week 4: Creative Practice Blog #3

  Brain Doodles By Camille Lazarus  Creative Practice Blog #3      This week I approached my creative practice differently. For the past two weeks, I stuck to the guidelines I gave myself initially for drawing, which was thirty minutes of undisrupted time. This week I decided to sit out with my roommates in my living room and engage in my practice since I was feeling a little isolated. As we sat around talking and listening to music, it made me grateful for how far I have grown. In my first year in college, I struggled to find those close relationships that I had from home, and now, in my junior year, sitting reflecting on college this far I am so lucky to have found those people. In relation to my theme of growth, I was thinking of other places in my life where I have grown a lot. Franklin, North Carolina is one of those places. My family has had a house here for over 70 years, a little cottage up in the Blue Ridge Mountains. My grandma grew up spending her sum...

Week 3: Creative Practice Blog #2

  Brain Doodles By Camille Lazarus  Creative Practice Blog #2      During my first week of participating in my creative practice of drawing I gave myself guidelines to stick to, I was going to give myself thirty minutes of undisrupted time to be creative and allow my mind to think to ensure I was allowing myself to feel the full benefits from this practice. The first week, those thirty minutes went by slowly as I was overthinking my own abilities as an artist and fighting the urge to check my phone. I was fighting my inner thoughts and perfectionism.  Today as I sat down to engage in my creative act, I felt different. I had woken up with intense feelings of stress and anxiety surrounding the coming week and the work ahead of me.  I set aside time in the middle of the day to sit down and draw, also to break up the studying I needed to complete. Before I started, I sat alone in my room and focused on my breathing in order to clear my mind and cut down on...

Week 2: Creative Practice Blog #1

Brain Doodles By Camille Lazarus  Creative Practice Blog #1 September 4, 2022      For my creative practice this semester I will be drawing. I chose the medium colored pencils because I am not too confident in my artistic abilities and I feel as though colored pencils are more forgiving. I will be exploring the theme of "growth" throughout my work. Instead of open-end drawing every week, I have decided to draw various flower groups or nature settings to depict scenes of growth. Over the past year, I have made it my personal goal to actively perform acts of self-care to grow as a person mentally and physically. As a child, I really enjoyed expressing myself creatively through art but as I grew older it became something that brought me more anxiety than joy due to overthinking and self-doubting. Through this course, I hope to completely change that. I hope that through practice and repetition of my creative practice, I will restore my love for creating artwork and draw...